
Showing posts from July, 2018

NITISH (**********9654353524)

A quick brown fox jump over the lazy little dog. “Nature” is what we see —  The Hill — the Afternoon —  Squirrel — Eclipse — the Bumble bee —  Nay — Nature is Heaven —  Nature is what we hear —  The Bobolink — the Sea —  Thunder — the Cricket —  Nay — Nature is Harmony —  Nature is what we know —  Yet have no art to say —  So impotent Our Wisdom is To her Simplicity. NITISH (**********9654353524) NITISH (********** 9654353524 ) NITISH (**********9654353524) NITISH (**********9654353524) NITISH (**********9654353524) NITISH (**********9654353524) NITISH (**********9654353524) NITISH (**********9654353524)